22 July 2011

otakon plans

As many likely know, Otakon is next week. And after some rescheduling and the like, it looks like I will be there (mostly thanks to Lauren Orsini and Patches) with a lot of free time on my hands. It's been almost 3 years since my last chance to relax and do nothing at a con, and I had forgotten about how enjoyable they can be when you haven't got a crazy schedule.

However, since I also like keeping busy, I'm taking this chance to announce a little project of mine. I get a few emails each week from people who have never had a chance to see my panels, either due to time constraints, not being able to get to the con, room fills up too quickly, etc. So, I'm taking the chance this Otakon to set up a few "private panels" with anyone who's interested in seeing them, or just wanting to chill and chat about anime, anime culture, sacred culture in Japan, Japanese history or whatever.

All you need to do it shoot me an email here or via twitter with a time frame, and which panel you would like to see/discuss. If I can make it fit, I will.

For panels, I'm offerring:
Castles, Forests and Bath Houses: The Worlds of Hayao Miayzaki
Dead Like Us: Shinigami, Death Culture and Japanese Media
Spirits, Wheels and Borrowed Gods
Kowai: Yurei, Yokai and Japanese Mythology

So feel free to let me know. Or you can just find me and say hi. As always, look for the 9th Doctor.

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